Shopping mall pictures from Toronto and the GTA. These pictures will feel nostalgic in 25 years. Eaton Centre, Square One, PATH, Pacific Mall, and more... Pics starting from 2022

Lusso - Square One Mississauga

A couple of guys walk past Lusso, a women's clothing store at Square One in Mississauga.

I notice one of the guys is carrying a shopping bag. I wonder what's in the bag?

I bet it's a gift that he bought for his girlfriend Sandra's birthday.

Hey man, Sandra might also be interested in something from Lusso. Lusso has some stunning dresses. Today you could buy the Sleeveless Maxi Sequin Column Regular Red Evening Dress in the store for $291.85. It's a beautiful dress. Sandra would love it!

Picture of Lusso taken at Square One in May, 2024.

Address: 100 City Centre Dr, Mississauga, ON L5B 2C9

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