Shopping mall pictures from Toronto and the GTA. These pictures will feel nostalgic in 25 years. Eaton Centre, Square One, PATH, Pacific Mall, and more... Pics starting from 2022

Casper - Sherway Gardens Etobicoke

A couple walk past the Casper store at Sherway Gardens in Etobicoke, seemingly uninterested in the store.

Don't they know that Casper sells the Nova Hybrid mattress for sleepers looking for the softest comfort?

They should stop into the store to buy the mattress. Then they'll sleep like babies tonight!

Today the Nova Hybrid mattress sells for $2295. It's worth the price.

Picture of Casper taken at Sherway Gardens in August, 2023.

Address: 25 The West Mall, Etobicoke, ON M9C 1B8

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