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Holy Chuck - Yorkdale Mall Toronto

This is Holy Chuck at the Yorkdale mall food court.

The cashier has a big smile on her face. She seems happy.

Why is she so happy? Probably because Holy Chuck serves some delicious hamburgers. I mean, i don't really know how good the burgers are, I'm going by hearsay... My girlfiend says that her friend highly recommends this place.

I think I'm going to have to try this place one day. I 'll try the Raging Bull burger. It comes with maple smoked bacon, cheese, sautéed hot peppers, and spicy chipotle sauce. Mmmm... I hope the cashier gives me a nice smile when she takes my order.

Picture of Holy Chuck taken at Toronto's Yorkdale mall in June, 2023.

Address: 3401 Dufferin St, Toronto, ON M6A 2T9

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