Shopping mall pictures from Toronto and the GTA. These pictures will feel nostalgic in 25 years. Eaton Centre, Square One, PATH, Pacific Mall, and more... Pics starting from 2022

DAVIDs TEA - Eaton Centre Toronto

One day, a few years ago, I was strolling past the DAVIDs TEA store and there happened to be a store employee giving out free samples.

I never had DAVIDs TEA prior to this day. But I stopped and tried the sample. It was delicious. I was hooked.

I asked the store employee what type of tea I just had. She told me it was hot apple cider tea. I went into the store and but a can of the loose hot apple cider to make at home.

My can lasted a few weeks. Then I went back to DAVIDS TEA to buy more. But I got some bad news... Hot apple cider tea was a seasonal tea and I had to wait until next December to buy more. That sucked!

Nevertheless, I went back into the store to try something else. I bought the hot chocolate tea. it was fantastic!!!

Ever since... I've been a big fan of DAVIDs TEA.

Explore the store for yourself. They have black tea, green tea, matcha, and more.

Picture taken at Eaton Centre in Toronto, February, 2023.

Address: 220 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 2H1

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